Some collection of my past works.

Terminal Portfolio
Created at May 2023
Terminal Portfolio is a portfolio website that is made to look like a terminal.

Similarity API & documentation
Created at March 2023
The goal of this project is to create a similarity API that uses Next.js, Prisma, MySQL, and TypeScript. This API will allow users to compare two pieces of text and get a similarity score. The similarity score will be calculated using the OpenAI API. Additionally, the API will include a login with Google feature using NextAuth.js.

Muhammad Habibi Portfolio
Created at January 2023
The purpose of this project is to create a portfolio website for a friend, showcasing their work and skills in a visually appealing and user-friendly way. The website will be built using React, Next.js, and CSS for styling.

PPDB Wikrama
Created at January 2023
PPDB (Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru) is an online application system that is used by schools in Indonesia for student admissions.

Flutter Portfolio App
Created at August 2022
The Flutter Portfolio App is a mobile application developed using the Flutter framework.

Simple Drawing App
Created at April 2022
The Simple Drawing App using JavaScript is a single-user drawing application that allows the user to draw simple shapes and designs on a canvas.

Chess Game with AI using React
Created at February 2022
The Chess Game with AI using React is a single-player chess game application that allows the user to play against a cheap AI opponent.

Solitaire Game
Created at January 2022
The Solitaire Game using JavaScript is a single-player card game application that allows the user to play the classic game of solitaire.

Snake Game
Created at August 2021
The Snake Game using JavaScript is a single-player arcade game application that allows the user to play the classic game of Snake.

Tetris Game
Created at June 2021
The Tetris Game using JavaScript is a single-player arcade game application that allows the user to play the classic game of Tetris.